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Building with Imagination - Why is Lego Called Lego?

For generations, Lego bricks have sparked creativity and fueled endless hours of imaginative play. But have you ever stopped to wonder about the name itself? "Lego" sounds catchy and fun, but where did it come from?

A Danish Abbreviation:

The answer lies in Lego's Danish roots. The company was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Christiansen and originally focused on wooden toys. In 1934, the company name became "Lego," an abbreviation of the Danish phrase "leg godt," which translates to "play well."

A Name with a Mission:

This simple yet powerful phrase reflects the company's core philosophy: to create high-quality toys that encourage children to play and learn. "Lego" isn't just a brand name; it's a mission statement rolled into one.

Beyond the Bricks:

While Lego is primarily known for its iconic interlocking bricks, the name encompasses the entire world of Lego products and experiences. From Lego movies and video games to theme parks and educational sets, "Lego" represents a vast universe of creative possibilities for all ages.

A Timeless Appeal:

Though the Lego company and its products have evolved significantly over the years, the name "Lego" has remained a constant. It's a testament to the enduring power of simple, well-made toys that inspire children (and adults!) to play well.

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